Monday, September 6, 2010

Ways To Ask Girls For Successful Dating.

Let me start by asking you a question; Are you afraid to ask girls for dating? Guys are suffering from this problem, that they are afraid to standing in front of a woman who has the power to accept or reject you. The only reason for this is that, all sorts of question will be going on in the mind of the girl such as; what does he want, is he flirting with me, will he want sex and with this she will comes up with an excuses to turn you down. And this is the reason why it is so intimidating for guys t ask for the first date and if attempted, are unsuccessful. For you to ask her direct for a date, why not try this method if you like fun, "Hey, you like fun person to hang out with. I am going for a show this day with friends. If you can give me your number, i might invite you to come along. Is this way of asking for a dates intimidating? With what you have done, you did not say this was a date and this will take away the pressure from both of you, and she will be ready to give you her number because the pressure is off. Now in the situation where the girl is known to you and already have her number, you can just call and invite her to follow you with some friends to have fun if she is interested. Henceforth, do not ask girls for dates, instead involve her into your lifestyle activities and then you will be opportune to seduce and flirt with her until she falls for you. And this is the most easiest and successful way of asking for DATES with women.

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