Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Making the First Call

I was at a large garden store the other day which had an indoor area and an outdoor area where they sell large items for the yard. Gardening bonanza Things like fountains, large pottery, huge vases, and statues. The objects are large and heavy, not something you pick up and take to the cashier.

An attractive and fit woman, about 45 years old wearing a skirt and heels was shopping. I'm guessing she was an interior designer shopping for something for her client's home. Accompanying her as she looked over some pottery was a male store employee, probably about 30 years old. He was pushing a cart where he could load any object she selected.

As I watched them, through my sunglasses while in 'stealth' mode I could see the object she really wanted to select was HIM!

What a lesson this was. This guy, good looking was just there doing his job. The woman was very excited-not about shopping-but about him. She was talking to him and smiling, touching his arm, pointing out things. But the way she was standing, the way she played with her hair, her body language, all said "come and get me".

I went on with my shopping and later saw her checking out with the cashier and he wasn't around. I left and as I got into my car she was leaving the building and walking toward her car, an SUV.

Behind her was the guy, pushing the cart with some of the objects she had bought. I sat in my car watching them in the rear-view mirror pretending like I was talking on the phone. He loaded the things in her SUV and this was the time for her to get into her vehicle and for him to return, with his cart, to the store.

I Love This, ah, plant But it didn't happen that way. Instead they stood there talking. I wish I had super hearing because I'm sure this is the part where she said something like, "So what do you like to do when you're not working...?"

And I was sure within a few seconds she would be giving him her card or her phone number and suggesting they get together. Unfortunately I couldn't hear and couldn't stay, but as I pulled out of the parking lot, turned up the steet and made a U-turn to head for home I passed them again and they were still standing behind her SUV talking. And she was still very happy to be there, looking like a teenager talking to a high-school football star.

So, let's assume I'm right in assessing what I saw, and she definitely had high interest level in the guy and he got her number with an invitation to get together soon, or maybe even tonight after work.

What should he do?

If he likes her and wants to pursue something that might be a long-term relationship, he should wait 5-7 days and call her. If he just wants to please a woman who obviously wants to have sex with a younger guy and doesn't care about a future, he should seize the opportunity. But he should also be aware that she knows where he works, and that puts her in control.

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